Rende disponibili:
- Daily, monthly, annual production graphs;
- Daily log required by the Customs Agency;
- Various types of alarms.
This post is also available in: Italian
The ContaEnergia WEB portal is the easiest and most direct way to keep the production of your Photovoltaic Plant under control. The website communicates directly with the meter and records the production values every day; simple graphs and numerical tables show the production trend over time, linked to the weather forecast.
Rende disponibili:
This post is also available in: Italian
Azur Energia S.r.l.
Sede legale: Via di Brozzi 81 – 50145 Firenze
Sede operativa Divisione Contatori-Verifiche:
Presso Polo Lionello Bonfanti Loc. Burchio SNC – 50063 Figline e Incisa Valdarno (FI)
Tel. 055.8330630 – Fax 055.8960120 – e-mail:
P.I. e C.F:02244830515 – REA:FI-642915 – Cap. Soc.€ 100.000 i.v.
N. Iscrizione Reg. Imprese di Firenze:02244830515