- Display: OLED Graphic 128*64 pixels Interface: 8 LEDs – 1 buzzer
Opto-isolated inputs: 4, usable as status or count with anti-rebound - Buffer battery: allows for alarms and warnings to be sent during power failures
- I2C interfaces: 1 for the connection of expansions and temperature probes
- Measurable channels: 68 configurable measurements archived with variable time base
- Alarms: 64 configurable alarms
- Remote outputs: 48 possibilities for drives on remote relays
- Meters: 12 lock saves at midnight each day
- Ports: 1 isolated with communication protocol setting, 1 Local programming type B mini connector, 1 10 Mbps RJ45
- GPRS/GMS modem: built-in in GPRS version
- MODBUS: RTU and TCP-IP master and slave
- Terminals: 16 of the removable type with a maximum cross-section of 2.5 mm2
- Processor: Cortex M3 ARM Flash 768 kBytes – Ram 96 kBytes
- Flash memory: 15 MBytes
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